Thursday 17 October 2013


Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatu ...

Have you ever thought of stopping the time just to think about the past ? What had happened to your life ? What had been missing all this time ? Who was the last person responsible for all your mistakes ? Have you ever thought of changing all the mistakes and wanting it never happened ? Have you ? 

When we were still kids , we didn't care about the environments or even the people around us . To us , there's no such thing is 'limit' . All we ever cared was friendship , joy , and happiness . We didn't care about the problems . It was fun indeed . Our parents or even our family was the ones responsible for taking care of us . They cared for us , educated us , loved us . So how about we pay all their deeds by giving our best efforts to success ? That will surely make them feel happy .

SPM is just around the corner , well , its reaching the corner exactly . Time flies so fast that none of us realised about it . This is our only chance to change the past . Our one big shot ! We spend all these years studying in school with one objective . SUCCESS IN LIFE . You wouldn't want to waste it now do you ? So think back about all our past life and don't forget the present nor even the future . What could we gain from it ? Values ? Lessons ? It's all up to every each one of us to decide .

Would you feel happy leaving school after SPM ? Would you feel happy after leaving all the dramas , happiness , sadness , tortures , laughters and everything in school ? Won't you think about it ? All your friends lead their life for a better future . Don't stuck on the railway when you can make a new way to walk . Don't let yourself down . Instead , work it hard !

This is my last year in school . I'll be leaving it for a long time and enter a new era where grown up peoples are . This is my only chance to proof to the world that I exist ! I wouldn't let this chance slips away . I'll grab everything and crush all the obstacles . I'll try to get flying colour results for my SPM and make my family proud of me . They deserve that because they've been taking care of me since I was born . I wouldn't want to see them disappointed . Would you ? So my friends , enough dramas , study and work your butt off to achieve your dreams . Good luck my fellow SPM friends :) . 

Thanks for spending your valuable time reading this post :) . 

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